Sanskrit akshá

Monier-Willams’ A Sanskrit-English Dictionary states that the Sanskrit word akshá means “a die for gambling.” It also refers to “a cube, Elaeocarpus ganitrus, a seed of which rosaries are made, and Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica), the seed of which is used as a die.” He affirms that akshá is derived from the Sanskrit root aṡ-aksh, meaning “to reach, to pervade, to penetrate, and to accumulate.” The Sanskrit akshá originates from the Tamil root akku. This akku changes into akshá in Sanskrit through the transformation of akku > akshá. The following words, related to akshá, also trace their origin to Tamil akku

akshá-kāma, “fond of dice.” akshá-kitava, “a gambler.” akshá-kuṡala, “skilled in dice.” akshapaṇa, “name of a gambler.” akshá-glaha, “gambling, playing at dice.” akshá-ja, “a thunderbolt” or “name of Vishṇu.” akshá-tattva, “science of dice.” akshá-tattva-vid, “skilled in it.”akshá-dāya, “handing over the dice in gambling.” akshá-devana, “gambling, dice-playing.” akshá-devin or akshá-dyū, “a gambler, a dice-player.” akshá-dyūta, “gambling.” akshá-dyūtâdi, “a gaṇa of Pāṇ.” akshá-drugdha, “hated by (unlucky at) dice, or injuring with dice (a sharper).” akshá-dhara, “holding dice.” akshá-dhūrta, “dice-rogue, gambler.” akshá-naipuṇa or akshá-naipuṇya, “skill in gambling.” akshá-parājayá, “defeat in gambling.” akshá-pari, “with exception of a single die.” akshá-pāta, “throw or cast of dice.” akshá-pātana, “act of casting dice.” akshá-priya, “fond of dice, or (perhaps) favoured by dice.” akshá-bhūmi, “gambling-place.” akshá-mada, “passion for dice.” akshá-mātra, “anything as big as dice.” It also refers to “the twinkling of an eye, a moment.” akshá-mālā, “a string or rosary of beads, especially of Elaeocarpus seeds.” It also refers to “name of Arundhatī, wife of Vasishṭha (from her wearing a rosary), name of the mother of Vatsa.” akshá-mālin, “wearing a rosary of seeds” or “name of Ṡiva.” akshá-rāja, “king of dice, the die called Kali.” akshá-vat, “having dice.” akshá-vāpa, equal to akshâvāpá. akshá-vāma, “an unfair gambler.” akshá-vid, “skilful in gambling.” akshá-vṛitta, “anything that happens in gambling.” akshá-ṡauṇda, “fond of gambling.” akshá-sūkta, “dice-hymn.” akshá-sūtra, “a string or rosary of Elaeocarpus seeds.” akshá-stusha, “Beleric myrobalan.” akshá-hṛidaya, “innermost nature of dice perfect skill in gambling.” akshá-hṛidaya-jña, “perfectly skilled in gambling.” akshâtivāpa, equal to akshâvāpá. akshâvápana, “a dice-board.” akshâvalī, “a rosary.” akshâvāpá, “the keeper or superintendent of a gambling-table.” akshauhiṇī, “an army consisting of ten anīkinīs, or 21,870 elephants, 21,870 chariots, 65,610 horse, and 109,350 foot.”