Sanskrit ágra

According to Monier-Williams’ A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, the Sanskrit word ágra means “foremost, anterior, first, prominent, projecting, chief, best and supernumerary.” It is derived from the Sanskrit root aṅg, meaning “to go.” However, it originates from the Tamil root akku. This akku changes into ágra in Sanskrit through the transformation of akku > ágra. The following words, related to Sanskrit ágra, also trace their origin to Tamil akku.

ágra-kara, “the fore part of the hand, finger; first ray.” ágra-kāya, “the fore part of the body.” ágra-ga, “a leader.” ágra-gaṇya, “to be counted or regarded as the foremost, principal.” ágra-gāmin, “preceding, taking the lead.” ágra-grāsikā, “the claim or right to the first morsel.” ágra-ja, “born first or earlier.” ágra-jaṅghā, “the fore part of the leg, the shin-bone.” ágra-janman, “the first-born, an elder brother, a Brahman, a member of one of the three highest castes, Brahmā.” ágra-jấ, “first-born.” ágra-jātaka or ágra-jāti, “a Brahman.” ágra-jihvá, “tip of the tongue.” ágra-jyā, “sine of the amplitude, Sūryas.” ágra-nī, “taking the lead, foremost, name of an Agni.” ágra-ṇīti, “the first offering.” ágra-tīrtha, “name of a prince.” ágra-dātṛi, “offering the best bits (to the gods).” ágra-dānin, “a degraded Brāhman who receives presents from Sūdras, or takes things previously offered to the dead.” ágra-didhishú, see agre-didhishu. ágra-nakha, “tip of a nail.” ágra-nāsikā, “tip of the nose.” ágra-nirūpaṇa, “determining beforehand, prophecy.” ágra-parṇī, “cowage, Carpopogon pruriens.” ágra-pā, “drinking first.” ágra-pāṇi, “fore part of the hand, the right hand.” ágra-pāda, “fore part of the foot.” ágra-pūjā, “highest act of reverence.” ágra-peya, “precedence in drinking.” ágra-pradāyin, “offering first.” ágra-praṡīrṇá, “broken at the top.” ágra-bīja, “(said of plants) propagated by cuttings.” ágra-bhāga, “fore part;” “degree of amplitude in astronomy.” ágra-bhuj, “having the precedence in eating, name of the sun.” ágra-bhū, “being at the top, at the head of.” ágra-bhūmi, “a goal, the top-floor (of a house).” ágra-mahishī, “the principal queen.” ágra-māṉsa, “the heart, morbid protuberance of the liver.” ágra-yāna, “stepping in front to defy the enemy.” ágra-yāyin, “going before, taking the lead.” ágra-yấvan, “going before.”ágra-yodhin, “the foremost man or leader in a fight, a champion.” ágra-lohitā, “a kind of vegetable, similar to the spinage (spinach).” ágra-vaktra, “name of a surgical instrument.” ágra-vat, “being at the top.” ágra-ṡás, “from the beginning.” ágra-saṃdhānī, “the register of human actions (kept by Yama).” ágra-sandhyā, “early down.” ágra-sara, “going in front, taking the lead.” ágra-sānu, “the front part of a table-land.” ágra-sārā, “a short method of counting immense numbers.” ágra-sūcī, “point of a needle.” ágra-sena, “name of Janamejaya’s son.” ágra-hasta, see ágra-pāṇi. It also refers to “the tip of an elephant’s trunk, finger.” ágra-hāyaṇa, “commencement of the year, name of a Hindū month (Mārgaṡīrsha, beginning about the 12th of November).” ágra-hāra, “royal donation of land to Brāhmans, land or village thus given.” agrâṉṡa, see agrabhāga. agrâṉṡu, “the end of a ray of light, the focal point.” agrâkshan, “a side-look.” agrâṅgnli, “the finger-tip.” agrâdvan, “having precedence in eating.” agrânīka, “the front of an army, vanguard.” agrâyaṇīya, “title of the second of the fourteen oldest (but lost) Jaina books, called Purvas.” agrâṡana, “eating before another.” agrâsana, “seat of honour.” agre-gá, see ágre. agrêtvan, “going in front.” agrôpaharaṇīya, “that which has to be first or principally supplied.” agratás, “in front, before; in the beginning, first, before, in presence of.” agrataḥ- √1. kṛi, “to place in front or at the head, to consider most important.” agrataḥ-sara, “going in front, taking the lead.” agrimá, “being in front, preceding, prior, furthest advanced, occurring further on or below, the foremost, eldest, principal, the fruit Annona reticulata.” agriyá, “foremost, principal, oldest, first-born, elder brother, the first-fruits, the best part.” agriyá-vat, “name of the hymn Ṛig-veda.” agrīya, “best, elder brother.” ágre, see ágra. ágre-gá or ágre-gấ, “going in front or before.” ágre-gṹ, “(said of the waters) moving forwards.” ágre-ṇḯ, “a leader.” ágre-tana, “occurring further on, subsequently (in a book).” ágre-dadhs, ágre-dadhishu, or ágre-didhi-shu, “a man who, at his first marriage, takes a wife that was married before; a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.” ágre-pấ or ágre-pṹ, “having the precedence in drinking.” ágre-bhrū, “wandering in front.” ágre-vaṇa, “the border of a forest.” ágre-vadhá, “hitting or killing whatever is in front.” ágre-sara, “going in front, preceding, best.” ágre-sarika, “a leader.” agryá, “foremost, topmost, principal, best, proficient, well versed in, intent, closely attentive, an elder or eldest brother, a roof.” agryá-tapas, “name of a Muni.” ágru, “unmarried, a virgin.” agrúvas, “poetical name of the ten fingers, and also of the seven rivers.” ud-agra, “having the top elevated or upwards, over-topping, towering or pointing upwards, projecting; high, tall, long, increased, large, vast, fierce, intense, haughty, advanced (in age), excited, enraptured, loud.” ud-agra-dat, “having projecting teeth, large-toothed.” ud-agra-pluta-tva, “lofty bounding.” ekâgra, “one-pointed, having one point, fixing one’s attention upon one point or object, closely attentive, intent, absorbed in, undisturbed, unperplexed, known, celebrated.” ekâgra-citta, “having the mind intent on one object.” ekâgra-tas, “with undivided attention.” ekâgra-tā and ekâgra-tva, “intentness in the pursuit of one object, close and undisturbed attention.” ekâgra-dṛishṭi, “fixing one’s eyes on one spot.” ekâgra-dhī, “fixing one’s mind on one object, closely attentive.” ekâgra-mati, see ekâgra-dhī. ekâgra-manas, “fixing one’s mind on one object, closely attentive.” ekāgrya, “closely attentive, close attention.” jihvâgra, “the tip of the tongue.” keṡâgra, “the top of a hair.” kuṡâgra, “the sharp point of a blade of the Kuṡa grass, name of a prince (the son of Bṛihad-ratha), sharp, shrewd.” kuṡâgra-buddhi, “one whose intelligence is as sharp as the point of Kuṡa grass, shrewd, intelligent.” kuṡâgrīya, “sharp as the point of Kuṡa grass, penetrating.” kuṡâgrīya-mati, “of subtle intellect, possessing mental acumen.” kokâgra, “name of a shrub.” mukhâgra, “the extremity of a nose or snout” or “any extremity.” prâgra, “the highest point, summit.” prâgra-sara, “going in the forefront, foremost (in compound), chief among.” prâgra-hara, “taking the best share, chief, principal among.” valâgra, “the point of a hair, having a hair-like point, a kind of dove-cot.” valâgra-potikā, “a kind of pleasure-house floating on a lake.” vetrâgra, “the point of a reed.” vy-agra, “not attending to any one panic, point, distracted, inattentive; bewildered, agitated, excited, alarmed; diverted from everything else, intent on, engrossed by, eagerly occupied with or employed in; tottering, unsteady, exposed to dangers, being in motion (as a wheel); name of Vishṇu.” vy-agra-tā, “intense occupation, eagerness, intentness;” “perplexity, confusion.” vy-agra-tva, “distraction, confusion, agitation, intentness on.” vy-agra-puraṃdhri-varga, “having companies of matrons zealously occupied.” vy-agra-manas, “perplexed or bewildered in mind.” vy-agra-hasta, “having the hands occupied with.” sám-agra, “all, entire, whole, complete, each, every.” stanâgra, “breast point, a nipple.” tīkshṇâgra, “Zingiber zerumbet.” hastâgra, “tip of the hand, the fingers, the tip of the trunk of an elephant.” sâgra, “with the tip or point, whole, entire, having a surplus, more than, for a longer period, for a whole life.” kucâgra, “a nipple.” gadâgraja, “elder brother of Gada, name of Kṛishṇa.” gadâgraṇī, “chief of all diseases, consumption.” garuḍâgraja, “elder brother of Garuḍa, name of Aruṇa (charioteer of the sun).” yūpâgra, “the top of a sacrificial post.” ayo-agra, “iron-pointed.” avâgra, “having the point turned aside.” gó-agra, “headed by cows, having cows or milk as the chief or most excellent part.”