Sanskrit áṡman

Monier-Williams states that áṡman (2) means “a stone, rock, a precious stone, any instrument made of stone (as a hammer), thunderbolt, a cloud, the firmament.” Corresponding to the Sanskrit words áṡri and aṡáni, áṡman also originates from the Tamil root akku through the transformation of akku > aṡ > áṡman. The following words, related to Sanskrit áṡman, also trace their origin to Tamil akku.

áṡman-máya, “made of stone.” áṡman-vat, “stony.” aṡma (1), when áṡman comes as a second member of a compound, it changes to aṡma, meaning “a stone.” aṡmaka, “name of a son of Vasishṭha and Madayantī; name of a warrior tribe, name of several women.” aṡmaka-sumantu, “name of a Ṛishi.” aṡma (2), in compound for áṡman (2). aṡma-kadalī, “name of a plant.” aṡma-kuṭṭa, “breaking or bruising with a stone (as grain).” aṡma-kuṭṭaka, see aṡma-kuṭṭa. aṡma-ketu, “name of a plant.” aṡma-gandhā, “name of a plant.” aṡma-garbha or aṡma-garbha-ja, “an emerald.” aṡma-ghna, “name of a plant.” aṡma-cakra, “furnished with a disk of stone.” aṡma-cita, “covered with stones.” aṡma-ja, “rock-born, Bitumen, iron.” aṡma-jatu, “bitumen.” aṡma-tā, “the state (hardness) of a stone.” aṡma-dāraṇa, “an instrument for breaking stones.” aṡma-didyu, “whose missile weapons are stones or thunderbolts.” aṡma-nagara, “name of the town in which Kālakeya resided.” aṡma-purá, “a castle built on a rock.” aṡma-pushpa, “benzoin (styrax).” aṡma-bhāla, “a stone mortar.” aṡma-bhid, “the plant Coleus scutellarioides (supposed to dissolve stone in the bladder).” aṡma-bheda or aṡma-bhedaka, see aṡma-bhid. aṡma-máya, “made of stone.” aṡma-mūrdhan, “having a head of stone.” aṡma-yoni, aṡma-vat, “stony.” aṡma-varmán, “a wall or shield of stone.” aṡma-varsha, “a shower of stones.” aṡma-vṛishṭi, see aṡma-varsha. aṡma-vraja, “whose stall or pen is a rock.” aṡma-sāra, “iron, sapphire.” aṡmasāra-maya, “made of iron.” aṡma-sārin, “name of a man.” aṡma-hanman, “a stroke of the thunderbolt.” aṡmâdi, “a gaṇa of Pāṇini.” aṡmâpidhāna, “covered by a stone.” aṡmârma, “a heap of ruins, stones of a ruin.” áṡmâsya (4), “having a stone-mouth or a stone-source, flowing from a rock.” aṡmôttha, “rock-produced, bitumen.” jvalanâṡman, “the sun-stone.”