Pāli agga1

Davids and Stede’s Pali-English Dictionary states that the Pali term agga 1 denotes “the first, and foremost, in terms of time; the highest, and topmost; in terms of space; and illustrious, excellent, the best, highest, and chief, in terms of quality.” It also refers to “top, point, tip, best part, ideal, excellence, prominence, and first place.” It has cognates in other Indo-European languages, including agra in Sanskrit, agrō meaning “first” in Avesta, and agrs meaning “early” in Lithuanian. All these cognates and agga1originate from the Tamil root akku through the transformation of akku > ágra > agga. The following words, related to Pali agga 1 , also originate from Tamil akku

agga-angulī, “the main finger, i.e. index finger.” agga-āsana, “main seat.” agga-upaṭṭhāka, “chief personal attendant.” agga-kārikā, “first taste, sample.” agga-kulika, “of an esteemed clan.” agga-ñña, “recognized as primitive primeval.” agga-danta, “one who is most excellently self-restrained (of the Buddha).” agga-dāna, “a splendid gift.” agga-dvāra, “main door.” agga- nakha, “tip of the nail.” agga-nagara, “the first or most splendid of cities.” agga-nikkhitta, “highly praised or famed.” agga-nikkhittaka, “an original depository of the Faith.” agga- pakatimant, “of the highest character.” agga-patta, “having attained perfection.” agga-pasāda, “the highest grace.” agga-piṇḍa, “the best oblation or alms.” agga-piṇḍika, “receiving the best oblations.” agga-puggala, “the best of men (of the Buddha).” agga-purohita, “chief or prime minister.” agga-phala, “the highest or supreme fruit (i.e. Arahantship).” agga-bīja, “having eggs from above, i.e. propagated by slips or cuttings.” agga-magga, “having reached the top of the path, i.e. Arahantship.” agga-mahesi, “the king’s chief wife, queen-consort.” agga-rājā, “the chief king.” agga-vara, “most meritorious, best.” agga-vāda, “the original doctrine.” agga- vādin, “one who proclaims the highest good (of the Buddha).” āragga, “point of an awl.” kusagga, “tip of a blade of grass.” tiṇagga, see kusagga. dumagga, “top of a tree.” dhajagga, “of a banner.” pabbatagga, “of a mountain.” sākhagga, “of a branch.” dumagga, “the best of trees, an excellent tree.” dhanagga, “plenty.” bhavagga, “the best existence.” rūpagga, “extraordinary beauty.” lābhagga, “highest gain.” sambodhi-y-agga, “highest wisdom.” sukhagga, “perfect bliss.” uddhagga, “standing on end (literally with raised point), bristling, of the hair of a Mahāpurisa; prominent, conspicuous; pointing upwards; lofty, beneficial (of gifts).” loka-agga, “chief of the world; epithet of the Buddha.” vāla-agga, “the tip of a hair.” vetta- agga, “cane-top, sprout of bamboo.” vyagga, “distracted, confused, bewildered.” samagga, “being in unity, harmonious; all unitedly, making for peace, rejoicing in peace, delighting in peace, impassioned for peace, dwelling in concord.” samaggi-karoti, “to harmonize, to conciliate.” vagga (2), “dissociated, separated; incomplete; at difference, dissentious.” vaggena, “separately, secessionally, sectariously.” vaggatta, “distraction, dissension, secession, sectarianism.”