Sinhalese aga

In his Sinhala English Dictionary, Clough asserts that the Sinhalese word aga refers to the “end, front, extremity, great depth, profundity, sorrow, distress, house, rock, stone, fear, body, fire, medicine, part, portion, sun, and snake, Cobra capella.” It also means “first, noble, principal, and chief.” It is an offshoot of Tamil akku through the transformation of akku > ágra > aga. The following words, related to Sinhalese aga, also originate from Tamil akku.

agra, “chief, principal, first, prior, excellent, exalted, best, much, most, fore, front; end, top, summit, point, upper part, a weight equal to one pala.” agrámátyayá, “prime minister.” agrakáya, “the upper part of the body, a person having a handsome figure.” agraja, “first born, elder brother or sister; Brahmin.” agrajátaka, “man of high caste, Brahmin” agrajihvá, “tip of the tongue.” agradákshiṇya, “venerable person, sage.” agradána and agradánaya, “excellent alms.” agradina, “high day, great day.” agradéva, “chief of the gods; Indra.” agranakha, “end of the nail, very beautiful nail.” agranásiká, “end of the nose, a fine-looking nose.” agrapudgala, “person of eminence, one of the names of Buddha.” agrapuróhita, “king’s chief Brahmin; prime minister.” agramahéshikáwa, “empress.” agramârga, “the path or stage which leads to Nirváṇa.” agrayá, “a chief.” agrarája, “emperor.” agravríhi, “best paddy or rice.” agraṣrávakayá, “the chief pupil priest who attended Buddha during his personal ministry.” agrasara, “leader; going before, preceding.” agraṣasya, “best paddy, best thriving paddy; first fruits.” agraháyaṇa, “name of a month, i.e. the eighth of the lunar year of the Hindus when the moon is full near the head of Orion, or about November and December.” agrahára, “endowment of lands or villages conferred on Brahmins; villages inhabited by Brahmins.” aguwa, “eaves of a roof, ground below the eaves of a house,” ágraháyaṇa, “month so called, first of the Hindu year, part of November and December.” uḍaṉgu, “high, exalted, haughty, arrogant, proud.” kesaga, “hair, single hair of the head, tip of the hair.” diwaga, “the tip or point of the tongue.”